Three Reasons Not To Trust A Blood Alcohol App
ShareIf you're a frequent drinker and often find yourself behind the wheel of your vehicle after you've consumed alcohol, you should hopefully be concerned about your blood alcohol level. Ideally, you should not tempt fate by driving after drinking, but the reality is that many people can drive safely if they've consumed alcohol only moderately. In order to stay safe, many drivers download and use a blood alcohol app on their mobile devices — an app that allows them to input their weight and the number of drinks that they've had, then tells them whether they're above or below the legal limit. Such an app may have some value, but it's not something that you should implicitly trust. Here's why.
The Impact Of Diet
What you've eaten can impact how alcohol affects you. For example, you may feel tipsy more quickly if you're drinking on an empty stomach than you'd feel upon drinking after a healthy and significantly sized meal. Blood alcohol apps don't track your diet, so you could run into trouble. For example, if you haven't eaten much over the course of the day and the app indicates that you're under the legal limit, you could actually be over it — and end up facing a DUI arrest.
Your Body's Hydration Levels
The degree to which you're hydrated or dehydrated can also play a role in how alcohol affects you. For example, if you've consistently been drinking water throughout the day, you may be able to handle your alcohol better than on a day that you'd had the same amount of alcohol to drink but hadn't consumed any water. Without drinking water, even a couple of drinks may have the ability to impair your judgment, which could be dangerous if you were to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
The Potency Of Your Drinks
While some blood alcohol apps allow you to input what type of drinks you've consumed, you have to remember that you don't always know the exact alcohol content of your drinks. This is especially true with mixed drinks. For example, at a house party, you might ask your host for a rum and cola — and assume that your drink would hold a single ounce of rum, making it count as one drink. However, your host could feel generous and decide to give you a double serving of rum. You'd then input one drink into the app without being privy to the fact that you'd consumed two servings of alcohol. Without being wary in these ways, you could end up with a DUI arrest on your record.
Contact a law firm, like Dionisio law, for more help.